Offer weekly discussions

Unlimited* access to Finding Career Fit™ programs

Many people prefer to do things on their own, at their own pace. They prefer the comfort of their home and to be able to start and stop as needed. This is your opportunity to offer expertise through on-demand programs to allow your community to guide themselves to finding the right career fit for them. Let us guide them through the steps to success. 

Start offering Finding Career Fit™ on-demand today

Our on-demand programming offers a unique opportunity to guide your community towards unlocking Career Fit. You will access:

Three workshops -
one bundle

To ensure all of the organizations can fully support their members, we bundled the basic workshops that will allow a person to understand, discover and apply Career Fit™

Unlimited* access for your community

No complications. No worrying about managing numbers. One access, unlimited* uses by your community for your location. You will be easily able to maintain your annual subscription. 

One investment,
thousands impacted.

Offer the program to all the members of your community in your location, no matter the size. Hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands, no matter. All will be able to take advantage of the Career Fit™ program. 

Unlock Career Fit™ on-demand for your community today

You don't have to be the career expert

Let us bring the Career Fit™ expertise and do the heavy lifting for you. We have developed offerings for all types of needs. Book your 15-minute discussion with us to explore how to bring our Career Fit™ expertise to your community.  

Book your 15-minute no-obligation conversation
Multicultural group working remotely to help community to find workplace satisfaction

Help your community find workplace satisfaction

There is no reason for the people you support to be part of the Great Resignation, to be Quiet Quitting or for them to be disengaged at work. Finding the right position is important, connecting it to the right career is essential - yet most people are uncertain how to do this. This is why we created our Finding Career Fit™ programs to help them see the pathway to workplace satisfaction. Offer these programs and services to your community.

Find a time to connect with us

Offer a step-by-step approach to becoming motivated, engaged and happy at work. 

If you already know that your community will benefit from finding their Career Fit, you can support them by offering all your members unlimited access to the process without having to develop your own internal expertise. Our Career Experts have developed on-demand workshops to guide people through the process. 

Offer access today

Looking to access our experts an in-person event?

Compound your impact on your community by bringing our Career Fit experts  to your events, conferences or private workshops.

Interested in elevating your offering, and bring your community together for multiple days of learning on Career Fit and networking? Connect with us to create your own Career Fit Conference for your members, led by our experts and delivered by your community.

Talk to us to explore your dates

* It is important to note that there are specifications to what is defined as unlimited. The subscription offer is for a single center, location, service or organization offering repeat access to their clients, customers or members for the duration of the subscription that is typically a year for the Finding Career Fit program bundle subscription. Should you have [1] 100,000+ clients/members/customers in your description/region/catchment, or [2] multiple services under one organization. or [3] different groups of clients/customers/members for one organization, or [4] multiple locations, please contact us to setup the program for your organization or company.