About Finding Career Fit
We wish to acknowledge that the lands on which we operate our Canada office are part of the traditional territories of the Anishinaabeg, Algonquin and Mohawk Peoples. Source: native-land.ca
About the program
The program was created by two leaders and coaches who came together to put their knowledge and expertise to good use.
A pattern emerged
Antoine has been working with leaders, entrepreneurs and managers directly as a coach and course leader since 2014, and had been hearing more frequently that the next generation of workers was having a greater time integrating the workplace. And this, with more and more challenges arising. He has also been mentoring college and university seniors getting ready to graduate and hit the workforce - with similar patterns emerging with these young leaders.
A growing concern
Colleen is a more than 20-year veteran teacher in helping young people successfully integrate the workplace. On her end, she was also seeing that the young adults she was working with were having more and more challenges as they prepared for the workforce. Although she was helping them through school programs and direct support, she was worried about the greater impact this would have on long-term success.
Joining forces
In the 2021, Antoine and Colleen teamed up to bring their combined knowledge, expertise and passion in order to help reduce the challenges. They wanted to help people by happy at work, love their work and be satisfied by their work. The first iteration of the program was launched: the Workplace Preparation Program, a program designed to help graduates integrate the workforce in a smoother, more efficient and with greater impact.
After launching the program and successfully helping young job-seekers, they (unsurprisingly) noticed that their approach was also connecting with a broader audience. And after some fine-tuning and success work with clients, the second iteration was launched: Finding Career Fit.
As the workplace is an ever-changing environment and this transformation seems to be accelerating, the world is finding that there is a need to re-examine the realities of the workplace and what it means to be an employee, employer, organization and community. These programs aim to reduce the discontent, job hopping and lack of understanding that the workforce is experiencing.
As career seekers facing these changes, they need to understand who they are, how they work to their strengths and how to showcase this understanding in order to find the position that is right for them.
Our Purpose (Why)
We believe that everyone should be happy, motivated, and engaged in the career where they choose to spend the majority of their time so that they can be truly satisfied at work.
Colleen brings over 20 years of experience and expertise in supporting the successful transition of students into the workforce. Her masters in Education and her certification in career coaching offers her a unique blend of information and knowledge to support the transition. She worked closely with Antoine to transform and adapt her approaches in order to focus on the elements that will make employees successful in their career.
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: (207) 305-2220 ext 210
LINKEDIN: colleen-nobert-careerfitcoach
Visit Colleen's website and discover all she has to offer careerfit4life.com.

Long-time entrepreneur, employer and a proud Maximizer, Antoine brings the on-the-ground perspective. As a coach of entrepreneurs and micro-businesses, he is often working with business leaders to resolve the challenges of a workforce. This has led him to change how he recruits and has since helped others do the same. He is also a strengths-based development “Evangilist” who is always creating new opportunities to use this powerful positive approach to transform lives and organizations.
EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: (613) 421-4722 ext 101
LINKEDIN: antoinebcarriere
Visit Antoine's website and discover how he can support you at www.spc-cpf.com.