Select your program

Are your students asking for more support and guidance in their search for employment?
Help them be clearer and better prepared to work with you by offering Finding Career Fit™.

Select your approach

Finding the right career and knowing how to set it up for success can be overwhelming.

If your undergraduates are uncertain and do not know where to start, they might ....

Looking for something meaningful but are unable to describe it

Not like the opportunities that are available to them

Be stressed about what lies ahead and what they want from a job 

Not be 100% sure what they are looking for

and this leads to rising levels of stress, depression, avoidance and anxiety about the future. It may even lead to job ghosting, quiet quitting to name but a few once they join the workforce.

This also means they will probably be back to ask for help. The resources at a Career Center are a great place for career exploration and application. It is a place to find a job and to get working. But we also know that you are often unable to meet the volume of demand.

The Finding Career Fit™ program understands these challenges and will offer your students, the career seekers, a new path to a successful career.

Help your undergraduates succeed in their next stage of life - work. 

Their first career is that of a student. They have spent almost two decades learning and acquiring the right knowledge. You have helped them complete their first career and now, they are moving on with your support. 

Select your program

Key benefits of offering Finding Career Fit™ to your students.

Enhances your current services and offerings to your students

Helps all your students be better prepared for their work and conversations with you

A way to offer continued support beyond their time as a student

Most will be at the beginning of their career, but if they come back, you'll be able to support them

Support your thousands of students, no matter their field of study or type of program

Helps the students to already determine important career elements, which will allow you to work more effectively with them

Career Fit  /ˈkərir fɪt/

It is like discovering the perfect game where you're the star. You use the word love for work, where it feels right and is meaningful to you. Your career allows you to perform at your best and achieve excellence. Even better, it feels like being 'in the zone’, where you can grow, make a difference, and fulfill your aspirations. It's being satisfied and engaged at work, enthusiastic for Mondays, in a good culture with the right people, and knowing you're working to your strengths.

Offer a Career Fit program to your undergraduates

Top 3 ways you can help your career-seeking students.

Career counselor offering professional career support for undergraduate students, integrating career advice with academic advising to enhance career/job satisfaction and workplace happiness.



Increase your weekly impact:
Our experts run regular groups calls to answer submitted questions and share advise as well as tips and tricks. These weekly virtual discussions with Career Fit™ experts will h
ave an immediate impact on your community to help them gain valuable insights and better their workplace realities - this with no extra team members required. 

Join the conversations today
Students participating in on-demand career readiness workshops, utilizing career support tools and resources to prepare for future career paths and achieve workplace happiness.



Put the transformation in motion: 
Help your undergrads to move beyond finding a job that they can do, to finding a job they want to do - without the need of additional resources or expertise.

This will also ensure they are better prepared when they work with you.  

Start your subscription today
Students engaging in live career activities, receiving advanced career readiness training and support, designed to integrate career advice with academic guidance for improved job satisfaction.



Really connect with your undergraduates with live workshops and presentations: 
Bring Career Fit™ experts to your events, conferences or private workshops.

And for the greatest impact, host your own Career Fit™ Conference for your students, led by our experts and delivered by your community.

Reserve your dates now

Still in reflection about offering Finding Career Fit™ to your students? Explore some clips from the on-demand workshops.

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Do you know someone who is not your student, but who would benefit from finding their Career Fit™? 

No worries, we also have them covered. The Finding Career Fit™ program is also offered to individuals who want to make changes to how they look and choose their next position. 

Discover our offer for individuals

Our Signature Program

Finding Career Fit™ On-Demand

Time is important and everyone lives on different schedules. It's why on-demand programming is key to success. As a career services and center, you pay an annual fee to ensure that all of your community can access our program.

Your undergraduates will have unlimited on-demand access to the Finding Career Fit™ program. This consists of video modules and worksheets that will lead, guide and coach them to a new understanding of how to find careers that fit and allow them to build engagement, expertise and fulfillment.

Here is what you will receive with your on-demand subscription:
  • Access for all your undergrads - offer it to your complete community
  • Not limited by degrees, industry, profession or any other differentiator
  • Offers a $297 value to any student who needs it - for a single center's subscription
  • Useful at any stage of someone's career, from launch to expertise to legacy which offers lifetime benefits
  • Digital to many: offer a program that helps the many not only land a job, but stay engaged, motivated and successful at it.
  • Easy online access that is accessible by computer, tablet or smartphone. 
Sign-up for your annual subscription

Eliminate your doubts - test Career Fit with your undergrads.  

Let us share the Finding Career Fit™ expertise with you and your students for a dedicated event to see how your community reacts. We are certain that this will have an immediate impact on them and their workplace realities. 

Let's connect to schedule your live discussion

Offer virtual support

Ask The Career Fit Experts™

Weekly live questions and answers about all aspects of Finding Career Fit™, from identifying, sharing, finding and landing positions that lead to workplace satisfaction and success.

Weekly Group access to Our Experts

Bring Finding Career Fit™ onto campus

In-person Presentations & Workshops

Get our Finding Career Fit™ experts Antoine & Colleen to attend your conferences to offer a dynamic, motivating  and interactive session with your attendees, or have them deliver a private workshop just for your members.

Book your workshop

Host your own event

You host a conference for large groups of 200+ people to help your attendees find Career Fit™. We bring the mindset, the information, the expertise, and the method, lead the keynotes as well as being on hand to support your hosts, facilitators and coordinators throughout the event.

Reserve the date for your event