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Are you finding that making a career change is harder than you expected?

Knowing when, how and where to make your change is difficult even for the most experienced and this is the reason we created Finding Career Fit. 

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Finding Career Fit™ is how to find a place in the professional world where you thrive. The approach introduces a mindset shift that explores not only if you can do the work, but do you want to do it and whether you should accept it.


Finding Career Fit™ was created to help you find satisfaction at work and professional fulfillment. 


Finding Career Fit™ is designed to help you discover the intangible elements that shed light on whether you are in the right position, if you will love it and if you will do well at it. 


Finding Career Fit™ is about going beyond receiving a paycheck to being excited to contribute to a career that celebrates your uniqueness and leads to fulfilling your aspirations.

Making a shift in your career and knowing how to set it up for success can be overwhelming.

If you are uncertain and do not know where to start, you might be thinking ....

Looking for something meaningful but are unable to describe it

Do not like the opportunities that are available to you

Be stressed about what lies ahead and what you want from a job 

Not be 100% sure what you are looking for

and this leads to rising levels of stress, depression, avoidance and anxiety about the future.

This also means you are not happy where you are and you know you need to make a change, willingly or unwillingly. You want to avoid the pitfalls of your current position and potentially those of the past, but all of this leaves you uncertain about how to achieve this. 

The Finding Career Fit™ program understands these challenges and will you, the career seeker, on a new path towards a successful career.

 A girl holding a sign that says: I love my career! Do you? to help with career reflection

Is now the time for a career change?

Learn whether your life is currently stable and ready to make that big change, as when it comes to impactful transformations, changing careers is one of the top.

It is therefore essential to determine if it is the right time for you to make a major career change you may have been thinking about. As they say, timing is everything. If you are thinking about making a change but have not yet done it, that may be because you are not sure if you are really ready. There are many factors that go into the decision to make a change and when to do so. Learn whether now is the right time.

Take our free assessment to help you determine where you are on your career journey.

Take the free assessment

Career Fit  /ˈkərir fɪt/

Our definition is: It is like discovering the perfect game where you're the star. You use the word love for work, where it feels right and is meaningful to you. Your career allows you to perform at your best and achieve excellence. Even better, it feels like being 'in the zone’, where you can grow, make a difference, and fulfill your aspirations. It's being satisfied and engaged at work, enthusiastic for Mondays, in a good culture with the right people, and knowing you're working to your strengths.

Start your Career Fit journey

Top 3 ways you can find your own Career Fit™.

Participants utilizing on-demand workshops and resources designed for career satisfaction and change, learning effective strategies on how to change careers.



Put the transformation in motion: 
Move beyond finding a job that you can do, to finding a job you want to do.

You will have access to multiple modules that will allow to self-relflect, orgranize your thoughts and present them in a manner that will allow you identify and land the right position.  

Start your journey today
Join regular group conversations with Career Fit™ experts providing professional advice, tips, and tricks to improve workplace realities and gain valuable insights, fostering career satisfaction and successful career changes.



Join regular group conversations:
Our experts coaches run regular groups calls to answer submitted questions and share advise as well as tips and tricks. These weekly virtual discussions with Career Fit™ experts will h
ave an immediate impact on your community to help them gain valuable insights and better their workplace realities - this with no extra team members required. 

Join the community today
Professional career change support program providing personalized guidance and resources for career satisfaction, helping individuals navigate how to change careers successfully.



Book your personal coaching sessions:
Our experts coaches will work one-on-one with you to ensure the highest level of immediate support and specifically taylored advice. 

You can opt from one-off sessions to a regular commitment towards success. 

Start your personalized coaching

How can you know if you have found your own Career Fit™? 

You want to know that your current career choice is a good choice for your personality and goals. You want to be satisfied with the way that your career is progressing forwards and is unfolding.

It is normal to wonder whether you are on the right track. You may have even been recently laid off and are wondering if you should continue on the path or pivot.

Now you can find out if this is actually the case.

Try our free Career Satisfaction Scale

Still in reflection about offering Finding Career Fit™ for you? Explore some clips from the on-demand workshops.

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Eliminate your doubts - reach out and lets have a conversation.  

Let us share the  approach and philosophy of Finding Career Fit™ by connecting to one of our experts. We are certain that this will have an immediate impact on you and your workplace realities. 

Let's connect to schedule your live discussion

Other useful tools

Ask The Career Fit Experts™

Weekly live questions and answers about all aspects of Finding Career Fit™, from identifying, sharing, finding and landing positions that lead to workplace satisfaction and success.

Explore our Weekly Group conversations